Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I have people that contact me at the most in opportune times, they frantically text me, email or telephone sometimes in a panic asking me to do something for them. Though I am a very busy woman , with many things on the go at all times, I oblige and surrender to what they ask.

They need someone to pray with them.
Wow! what a priveledge that they would choose me to be the one that would pray for them or with them and to be able to come in agreement with the powers of heaven!
I stop whatever very important task that I am engaged in at that moment and I do the unthinkable- I pray for that person. There is no greater thing that one can do for another person when they ask you to pray, than to actually pray. To give up some of your valuable time to bring someone or their concern before the Father in heaven.

Not to promise to pray, but to actually take some of your precious time and care for someone other than yourself now.

And what is even greater is that if you take some time during your praying to hear the voice of God - it may very well shift that person or the situation.Yeah!! to think we can shift things on earth when our prayers go to heaven.
Wow, I love talking, but there is nothing like having a three way conversation with someone else and God!!

I believe that if we spent more time communicating with God that this world would be a better place and the people we encounter would be different people.
There is power in prayer.

Take some time and send up a prayer for someone today- greater than that call someone and pray for them outloud, sacrifice an important part of your day, it will be worth it!

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