Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Letting go of everything to become all God has called me to be

I have a burning in my heart to find the truth about my heritage and about who I am fully and complete . I believe everyone does. For we are more than just who we have become in the few short years that we have lived. We are sum of our experiences, our generational history and the application of the Truth we have applied to our lives.
As I get older I get a little wiser as I walk this journey that I have set myself upon to become all that God desired for me to be. Yet I struggle due to expectations, limitations and just plain old timing. I would love to snap my fingers and instantly change into the woman God designed me to be. This is the way of the future- instant. God on the other hand has other plans for me as He teaches me that which I lack the most ,patience. Slowly but surely He is teaching me and bringing me simultaneously into my destiny, my future is becoming my present.
Yet there is one thing that seems to hold me back that I cant seem to get rid of… ME. I need to let go of a few things that I have placed in my hands in order to grab a hold of that which God desires to give to me. I cant do both successfully.
Yet these things I hold on to are like a safety blanket to me. I have come to trust them and rely on them and even need them. Some of them are not even real, they are attached to lies that I have believed but that are so intricately connected that to let go of them frightens me. It seems like the whole house would come crashing down.
But I know what I must do. So with all the strength I have within me I let go. And for a brief moment in time I hold nothing. Yet nothing seems to be enough , for in that I have only one thing left , God. He is all I need and He is forever there. S lowly… He gives me back the truth and the things that are necessary for the next phase in my journey, and even loves me enough to add a few treasures that come in the form of blessings. How faithful is His loving kindness towards His children. He is erasing some of my past, changing my present and orchestrating my future. How marvellous are His works!
Why did I ever doubt Him? I need to learn to trust the One that fashioned and formed me in my mother’s womb and called me out of darkness into His marvellous light.
Now I stand on solid ground, a firm foundation, ready to build on truth . Letting go of everything to become who God has called me to be.

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