Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Psalms 122 - Jerusalem

This psalms is about giving thanks for being able to go to the House of the Lord. Wow how many of us are excited to be able to come into the presence of the Lord? Into His house and into His family.

Then it begins to talk about a subject that should be near and dear to each believer’s heart, Jerusalem. Jerusalem was known as the “City of Peace” and here the psalmist tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. As I read this today I thought about the possibility that Israel could go to war any day now.

There are events happening and decisions being made half way around the world that affect us believers in a major way and we have been commanded to pray. But it goes on to say that there is a blessing to those that love Jerusalem, those that will declare peace and prosperity to her. Believers and non-believers alike tend to pray for the things close to them. We tend to pray for the branch and forget the tree it has been grafted into. God blesses many things, certain people and peoples groups, specific nations, holy objects and even land. He has blessed Jerusalem to be the City of David, the City of Peace. I am so grateful for the political stance that our country of Canada has made with Israel. So please as we enter into some of the most Holy days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, I ask you to please agree with the holy scriptures and pray for SHALOM to be with Jerusalem and with the people of Israel.

Charmaine Hinds

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