Sunday, May 12, 2019

Medical Ban

I have been banned and rejected by my family doctor. He said that because I have chosen to not fulfill my prescriptions and his advice, that he would no longer be able to be my “family doctor”. He thought I should find myself a naturopathic doctor. At first I was flabbergasted and even offended at his remarks and then after meditating on it I changed my perspective. I had finally joined many great people before me that had been banned by the healthcare system as a rebel!!!!
Below is a picture of all of the prescriptions and medications that have been prescribed to either myself or my family. I made the decision after much research to go a more natural method such as food, essential oils or even just time and patience to let the body heal naturally.
I kept these to remind myself and others that I share my stories with that medical advice is just that, advice. Each person needs to do their research and remember that God has created our bodies with an amazing immune system that can be aided to allow healing to take place naturally. My children were never vaccinated and have amazing immune systems to fight off disease and illnesses.
I still go to the doctor for confirmation of diagnosis and for more serious issues that need to be addressed. This is using the advancement of technology to my advantage. 
But I have also rejected surgeries, recommended procedures, abortions and many other courses of action that I was not comfortable with.
I am in great health and love being in charge of my well being and the decisions that accompany that right and privilege. 
I encourage each person to listen to your gut and follow the advice that resonates with your heart. Use wisdom, knowledge, get a second and even third opinion and remember you have to live or die by your choices.

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