Sunday, November 10, 2013

New daily discovery

I have discovered something new about myself. The things I like to do, I do not do and the things I do not like to do for some strange reason I do them. I would like to change this very soon and begin to have more balance in my life.

I am in a season of my life where you begin to ponder all that you have done and look towards all of the things you would like to do. I have a very long list of To Do's and I am glad to say that I also have a long list of accomplishments.

As I am just finishing this now I have learned a few more things about myself
I sometimes procrastinate and have difficulty finishing things. I start a lot of new things and don't have the dedication and discipline to see them through to the end.

I plan to change this a little bit at a time by learning to not start new things until I finish the last old thing that is still staring at me.

Help is what I will need from the One who finished the greatest task of all.  Holy Spirit be my helper in the new way. Give me the finishing anointing.

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