Wednesday, June 26, 2013

She Loves Her High Heels

As a young girl a strange phenomena called puberty caused me to be tall at a young age and relatively beautiful as well. With these two features I stood out among the crowd, in school, at home, in photos and especially around the boys. So imagine when I decided it was time for me to begin to wear high heels.  This caused me to stand out even more as people cranked their necks to look up at me and many times I had to slouch down to make people feel more comfortable.

Soon I no longer felt comfortable wearing heels and made a conscious decision and choice to wear flats instead. But I never forgot the feeling I got when I would dress up and slip my feet into a pair of fancy high heels. I felt tall, beautiful, regal, sexy and female.

Just recently after going through a midlife change I reclaimed my identity again and one of the changes that came forth was that I decided I was no longer going to let my height in heels and how it may or may not make others feel stop me from dawning my favourite pair of stilettos, platforms, wedges or pumps. So I went shopping!

I was created tall and my shrinking to be small does not serve the world well. I plan to stand up straight in my high heels and throw my head back and walk proud. Cause I love my high heels!

She Loves Her High Heels

They lift her up to a place of height that match her inner depth
Heels that go clickety- clack as they walk on the hard floors of life, yet keeping time and step

Many think of strength like Superman, the man of strength and steel
But nothing is as powerful as a woman walking tall… in a shiny, red bottom pump with silver heel

In her identity finding beauty, comfort and value no matter what her size, is the measure of her life
Always in motion moving from a daughter to a woman, from a sister to a mother, from a friend to a wife

Her heels speak of the long journey she has walked always proud of her feminine side
Never wanting to lose her true self in the struggle to maintain her confident womanly pride

The platforms they create lift her up to a status that is far above the ground
Her heels agree with her that no matter what the situation, she will not be brought down

She has mastered the difficulty of walking in balance, head held high as her feet are turning
Walking into homes, places of business, entertainment, social engagements and educational buildings of learning

Its not the cost of the shoe, the designer we knew, the color or material we choose
Its about the way that she feels, so strong, confident and real, so beautiful as she glides in her high heels

But at the end of the day there is an awesome picture in view, so special and so grand
A woman laughing as she takes off her heels, running barefoot through a flower field, holding her high heels in her hands

Charmaine Hinds

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