Tuesday, September 20, 2016

From Tomb to Womb

There is a womb that will appear the moment someone enters the tomb, for out of death life will arise.
But you must resist a tomb appearing in your womb.
For those of you that are in a season of carrying a promise and are preparing to birth your future, you must resist the spirit of abortion that happens in the heart of death. It desires to render your hope dead and to release a spirit of disparity over your life.
You were created to bring forth life and to be a perpetual life source. The many wombs of the spirit and the wombs of this world are constantly creating, harvesting your seed, producing fruit and birthing life.
But death looms to carry you to the tomb. 
In your surrender to the source of all life is the creation of a womb. 
This is not a mystery under the sun or the moon. 
For your birthing process will happen very soon. 
If you surrender to death you will see nothing but doom.
But believe ...
Believe in the One who  entered the womb of this world to love,to live, to bring life, to die, be resurrected to conquer death and to live again to create the womb of the Spirit that all may enter to be born again.

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