Friday, April 4, 2014

Spring is about to Give Birth

I am moving into the second phase of my life. There are many things changing. For some time now I have been in a transition phase and there are many days I wish it would just be over. I have had to let go of the old things and begin to move ahead with no clear full understanding as to why I am going in this new direction. But my instincts know that this is the way I must go. So I follow as He leads me.

In the first phase of my life I had younger children and I was finding my way and learning who I was. Many of my hopes and dreams were accomplished and I was in an easy phase as I was on auto pilot and could accomplish these tasks now with ease, as it had become second nature for me.
But there was so much more for me in embracing the fullness of who I now know I am with all of the years of experience added to me. I am also becoming a mother of adult and teen children. So here I am stretching myself by learning new things, embracing a new pathway, letting go of old patterns and shifting as a woman who still has so much ahead of her.

I am also in the process of publishing all of the books I have written over the past 25 years. The stories I have lived over the years have given me a platform to speak and teach to so many. Now I have faithfully penned them and the time and opportunity has finally arrived. 

So now I am pregnant with my future and preparing myself to give birth.

Spring is my favorite season. Spring is a pregnant season of endless possibilities. Winter can sometimes be a very hard season. Things often seem dead. All life forms are in hibernation. There is a blanket of snow covering everything and as beautiful as it is, it slows us down. Mentally we struggle during our winter season, especially near the end. After wearing heavy clothing, fighting through snow storms, not being able to feel the natural heat or light of the sun, many of us by the time the month of March rolls around are longing for spring to finally arrive. 

Spring… Spring is the season of new birth, everything that was being incubated and insulated under the earth during that time, is now getting ready to come forth.  I love the rain as the water washes away the old snow and dirt and saturates the earth with the essential ingredient that it needs for all life to survive. So the sun peaks from behind clouds and people that we haven’t seen all winter are outdoors, walking dogs, cleaning windows, garages and doing all sorts of recreational activities. The warmth of the slight change in weather has called all things to come out from hiding. Any day now everything pregnant will give birth! Trees will blossom and leaves will bud, ducks will have ducklings, grass will grow, flowers will bloom, rivers will flow, eggs will be hatched, winds will blow, wombs will be opened as life is called forth in the season of spring. 

So here I am, moving out of my season of winter and rejoicing as the signs of spring are all around me. I try not to be too anxious and go ahead of the natural timing. I haven't come this far to risk it all by giving birth too soon. Over the years I have learned to truly trust my instincts, but the greater fact is that the One who changes the seasons of our lives is with me. In Ecclesiastes it says that there is a time for everything, a season for every activity, so I pay close attention to the signs and stages of labour remembering nothing truly happens when you go into false labour. I must wait for the correct timing and resist the urge to push too soon.

I am beginning to embrace the call to serve by helping others who are pregnant and in difficult circumstances to overcome every obstacle to be able to give birth, to not abort their destiny but to bring forth life. This is the call on my life as I help women, men and children to make it through winter and arrive into their spring.  

Charmaine is an Inspiration Visual Communicator. 
To book her to teach or speak contact her at

1 comment:

  1. I do like what He has done , and is doing in you. The Lord has done great thing for you , of which I am glad. This expression of winter ending and spring emerging IS well put. You go girl!!!!
