Recently there is a message that keeps repeating itself to
me. I have been gaining revelation knowledge and understanding about the power
of a seed. Within a small seed no matter what seed it is there is everything
necessary to create, sustain, reproduce and flourish. Seeds create plants,
flowers, trees, animals and human beings. Out of these things many other things
are created as well. Houses are built because a seed grew, clothing comes from
a seed, food comes from seeds and our next generation is all because of a seed.
Wow! The power of a large oak tree is in one seed. The
ultimate goal of the tree or plant is to produce fruit that would reproduce
more seeds. A seed goes through an
amazing process. When in the correct environment and conditions the potential
in a seed is encouraged to release what has been dormant within. From being
buried in the nutrients of the soil, to breaking open and allowing what is
within to emerge using two points of growth by pushing downwards to grow roots
deep and pushing upwards to break through the surface to reach for the necessary
ingredients to sustain life, such as air, water and the sun. Eventually it will weather different
conditions, heat, wind, rain, storms growing against all obstacles to become
strong and inevitably to produce blossoms and fruit and more seeds.
In the gospels Jesus speaks of the power of a seed. He
speaks of the Sower that scatters the seed in four different types of places. Different
soil will produce different results in the process of the potential of a seed. In
explaining this parable Jesus says that the seed is the word of the kingdom,
the soil is our hearts and each example is a different result of the word in
our lives.
1. “Some seed fell by
the wayside and the birds came and ate them up”- this word was not
understood and the enemy came and snatched it away so it does nothing to the
2. “Some fell on stony
ground and because of not enough earth beneath it, the sun scorched them and
they had no roots to ground them”- this word was received into the heart with
joy, but because this word had no potential to grow roots deep in the heart, it
was not grounded and the person stumbles when a bit of difficult circumstances
3. “Some fell upon the
thorns and the thorns sprung up and choked them out.”- This person too receives
the word, but there are other things like the cares of this world and the deceitfulness
of riches that choke the word and cause the word not to produce.
4. “Others fell on
good soil and yielded a crop, each seed reproducing different amounts.”-
This person hears, understands, receives and goes through the process to
produce fruit , some a hundred fold, some sixty and some thirty.
Please note that in all four places it is the same seed
being planted by the same Sower, but each one is reproducing a different result.
The difference here is the condition of
the heart.
Many of us are not aware of the other seeds that are being
planted in our hearts, seeds of discord and negativity, of unbelief and worry,
seeds of self and seeds of resistance. Like sneaky weeds they grow and we think
they are good until it is too late. They take over and we have trouble finding
room to plant good seeds in the gardens of our hearts.
Today I want to encourage you to break up the fallow ground
in your heart and to fertilize it and dig up all weeds or nearby plants that
could possibly hinder the growth of the seed that desires to be planted deep in
your heart.
When God comes to sow seed how will you receive it? Will you
hear and understand? Will you throw it away or let it be stolen? Will you have
the desires of the world to choke out the potential of growth that is in that
seed? Or will it grow and flourish and reproduce much fruit?
Remember there is much power and potential in just one seed.
Charmaine Hinds / alona hazaka