Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Tree In The ROCK

 There is picture that I am unable to forget, an image that has stayed with me forever.
A sight to behold way deep in the Elora Gorge. A metaphor for those that have understanding. A story that must be told.

There stands a tree majestic and tall, not on the ground, but on a large ragged rock.

At first glance you wonder how can this be? A tree needs soil and water to grow, its roots need to go deep in the ground.  Then after a brief moment the revelation dawns on you... The tree has found a way to live by standing on the ROCK.

Patience and time have been on its side and it has found a way to gain all that it needs from the ROCK that it stands upon. It has not grown crooked, but has stood firm by wrapping its roots around and into the ROCK.  There must be water in the ROCK! Praise God. This once tiny tree shrub has weathered many a storm, adversity and the odds to become more than just a living tree in the middle of a forest. It has become a sight to behold, a phenomena, a testimony, a living message. A message that states that anything, yes anything that plants itself on the ROCK and perseveres, will  not only live, but flourish and speak a louder message than your average maple, pine, spruce, willow or oak tree.

I challenge you this day to uproot yourself out of the status quo, away from the norm, become unique and all He called you to be. Don’t just stand upon the ROCK, live upon the ROCK, abide in the ROCK, may you and the ROCK become ONE.

Charmaine Hinds

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

God in A Box?

All mankind has ever sought
Is to find their Creator in a box

Yet when He was born and in a box did lay
Couldn’t except that box as it came another way

Pharisees boxed him telling Him how He could and should behave
They boxed Him in the end on the cross and tombed Him in a grave

Forgetting  He had chosen to box Himself to help them to find
As He desired to dwell amongst them in the midst of mankind

Yet still they created the box and they treasured it well

Not realizing that it was not there He desired to reside
for it was within man that He would choose to dwell
Not in a box, not in a formula, not in a box, not in an idea, not in a box,
not in a theology, not in a box

We can not define Him with our intelligent conversation or lengthy educational talks
No chain can bind Him, restrain or hold Him down for He came to unlock

To loose, release, set free, let fly, let be … me and you
For if He was in a box then they would stay there too

So instead He came in the flesh to show us how to “out of the box” get

But those called to be followers have not caught this simple lesson yet
For we like our creators, our saviours and our helpers in packages so neat and tidy

So we can predict, fortell and understand everything that is hidden or hiding.

Dare that we should trust, believe and obey in what we can not control everyday

To let the Spirit lead and guide and each individual to let Him live inside
For no box can hold Him , contain Him , control Him,

He is all that is and was and ever shall be

God of the universe, living in me
Dare that I should let my simple mind

Create a box so I can keep Him inside

Freedom is what He came to give to me, the Creator of all Destiny
So everyday, everywhere, everyone can use the keys to unlock

For know this one thing…

Our God was never, ever in the box.
Charmaine Hinds