In recent days I have
heard the saying “The camels are coming, the camels are here” I even have
visions of them coming my way. There is an excitement growing on my insides as
I begin to unfold and understand what God is saying to me and my spirit is
responding to.
While there we visited
Glory of Zion Church, they have an altar display with camels laden down with
treasure, spices, anointing oil and jewels.( see picture)
A few days a go I was reading my bible study
and came upon Isaiah 60 and as I read verse 1-2 this is what it said.
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.
This part
was familiar to me and it wasn’t until I read verse 5-6 that the full verse
spoke loudly to me. Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.
Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy;
the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come.
Herds of camels will cover your land, young camels of Midian and Ephah.
And all from Sheba will come, bearing gold and incense and proclaiming the praise of the Lord
I was so excited as I read how when we begin to arise and shine for God and let his glory rise upon us that something amazing happens- the riches of the nations will come to us laden on the backs of these beasts of burden.
Caravans were sent in
different ways. Sometimes they would send some of the camel caravan ahead of
the journey so when they would arrive at their appointed destination all of their
provision would be there waiting. This is symbolical of our faith walk when God
has given us a vision. Many of us wait for the resources to arrive before we
will begin the journey but God has sent the provision ahead of you and when you
arrive at the place that you have a need then it will be there waiting for you.
You would gladly say my camels are here.
If you
are traveling a journey along with camels they are going to be able to bring
you to places of refreshing where you can fill up. In their native lands, camels feel by far the
presence of a fountain or river. They never forget the place where they have
found water. This makes them awesome animals to travel in terrain that may be
unfamiliar to you.
Now if you were apart of a group that began the travel with the camel train and somehow arrived ahead of the caravan, or if you were living in a remote place and needed supplies or resources, then you would be waiting for the camels to arrive with the needed treasures. How excited you would become once you sighted the camels coming in the distance. Camels were known as desert ships as they carried heavy cargo of goods, spices, gold, riches and people, through sand storms, variation of temperatures differences, for many days and long distances. Throughout scripture donkeys and camels were used as symbols of transportation for riches and treasures.
Now if you were apart of a group that began the travel with the camel train and somehow arrived ahead of the caravan, or if you were living in a remote place and needed supplies or resources, then you would be waiting for the camels to arrive with the needed treasures. How excited you would become once you sighted the camels coming in the distance. Camels were known as desert ships as they carried heavy cargo of goods, spices, gold, riches and people, through sand storms, variation of temperatures differences, for many days and long distances. Throughout scripture donkeys and camels were used as symbols of transportation for riches and treasures.
An excellent example of camels
carrying provision can be found in Genesis 24:10
Then the servant left, taking with him ten of his master’s camels loaded with all kinds of good things from his master. He set out for Aram Naharaim and made his way to the town of Nahor.
This unnamed servant was sent on a precious journey
with a caravan of ten camels with the task of getting a bride for his master’s
son. These unusual creatures were used on this long arduous journey through the
desert to carry the riches that would pay the brides price. It is noted that Rebekah the bride that would
be chosen watered the ten camels at the well and her family even fed and made
room for the camels to bed for the night and the servant would unload the
riches off their backs that he carried to use as a dowry, jewellery of silver, jewellery of
gold, and clothing that he gave to Rebekah and her family.Then the servant left, taking with him ten of his master’s camels loaded with all kinds of good things from his master. He set out for Aram Naharaim and made his way to the town of Nahor.
With no delay the next day Rebekah mounted one of the camels and set out to travel to her tomorrow and her new future. Now the camels were carrying another treasure as Abrahams servant headed back from his journey of truth to bring back the bride of the Lords choosing.
along in Genesis 24:63 we see Isaac awaiting His future.
He went out to the field one evening to meditate, and as he looked up, he saw camels approaching.
Here was the camels coming with Rebekah, a bride for
Isaac and she gladly dismounts off the camel to meet her bridegroom. God is
bringing your provision to you, this can come in many ways, sometimes it will
be a person that has the key for your future, or financial provision or the
spiritual riches that you need to begin to walk in your destiny. Look up, your camels are approaching.He went out to the field one evening to meditate, and as he looked up, he saw camels approaching.
Three other examples of camels spoke to me
I have always loved the story of Joseph, a caravan
of camels came and took him down to Egypt when his brothers decided to sell him
because of their jealousy. At the beginning of this scripture we might think
that the camels were apart of the bad thing that happened to Joseph. Genesis 37:25As they sat down to eat their meal, they looked up and saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead. Their camels were loaded with spices, balm and myrrh, and they were on their way to take them down to Egypt. But it would be that same group of camels that in actuality carried Joseph to his destiny and he would later declare that what the enemy meant for evil God had changed to good. Where ever your camels take you just trust in the plans of God. He has a good plan for a hope and a future for you. Embrace the camels coming towards you.
Camels were also mentioned in regards to Queen of Sheba when she came to visit King Solomon.
1 Kings 10:2, 2 Chronicles 9:1
Arriving at Jerusalem with a very great caravan—with camels carrying spices, large quantities of gold, and precious stones—she came to Solomon and talked with him about all that she had on her mind.
The wisdom and favour of God will cause people of influence to travel to reason with you. To share what is on their hearts and to bless you with their resources.
1 Kings 10:10 Then she gave the king one hundred and twenty talents of gold, spices in great quantity, and precious stones. There never again came such abundance of spices as the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon
My last story and one of the most impactful for me is the Magi (The wise men) who travelled a far distance from the East following the star to visit Jesus. They were most likely travelling by way of camels and had their provision and treasures of gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh
Matthew 2:11 And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
These three gifts were presented to Jesus and had great significance. The gold a precious metal the standard gift for a King, it represented royalty and provision. The Frankincense was an incense and perfume for worship, this represented His ministry here on earth as the High Priest. And Myrrh, an anointing oil was used to embalm bodies of those who died, it would symbolize the way He would live and die and one of the main reasons He was here on the earth to be the sacrificially lamb that would take away the sins of the world.
These camels would carry on their backs to Jesus the Savior of the world the kings that would bear gifts of great symbolism of His ministry here on the earth, reminders of the reason for His true birth. Your camels that are here are bringing you gifts that are declaring to you of the destiny and purpose of who you are and the position you hold in Christ and the provision needed for your kingdom ministry
With all of this I hear very loudly… My camels are
coming! The camels are here!
Charmaine Hinds November 2012 ©
Thank you for sharing what God has shown you...I am really seeing camels in unique ways lately so googled camel and somehow came upon your article. God is good in that He uses the whole body to bring understanding at times...all I did was ask Him, "What are you saying to me?" He just keeps showing me amazing things! Blessings to you....jml
ReplyDeleteReady to receive and ready to share and pass on.
ReplyDeleteBe blessed and for reminding me.
what a blessing you are please allow God to use you as an instrument for His work. He is using you in a mighty way.
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ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing what god has placed in your spirit. I was studying camels in the bible and had just written down the lessons I received from reading Genesis 24...Then I came across your article...I believe now, more than ever, that my camels are coming!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you!
This was a blessing, thank you so much for sharing what the Spirit revealed to you.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! This taught and blessed me. Years later, and your words are still reaching those who need them. Bless you.
ReplyDeleteThe Lord gave me a song in '13. The camel's have come. It was recorded in '14.
ReplyDeleteAwesome Teaching!! Much to pray into . Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteI had a dream the other night. There were people sitting around the table talking. I went to one of the ladies sitting there and said in her ears in a very excited voice "The camels are coming"! I knew that it was a done deal. The Holy Spirit keeps ringing these words in my spirit so I decided to see what I could find on line and found this wonderful teaching! Thank you LORD! You are forever faithful!
ReplyDeleteLast night in my dream there was a warehouse & I was standing outside of it speaking with someone. Suddenly I looked over at an open wall of the warehouse and noticed their were lots of camels in ornate blankets/saddles. I said to the person I was seeking with, "oh my goodness look! There are camels here!" That was all I really remembered about he dream but when I woke up, I knew it was prophetic. I started looking up the symbolism of camels and have become more & more excited. Then found this blog! I'm amazed as always at the way God speaks to us!! This fits with EVERYTHING God has been speaking to me and some of these verses are the very verses God has given to me prophetically in recent years. He is so Good! Grateful & excited in Texas!
ReplyDeleteA couple of years ago I had a dream that a camel was standing next to my bed, as I thought I was awake, I looked into the face of a cute camel that was just looking at me, then I blinked and it was gone.
ReplyDeletePraise God my dear Sister.
ReplyDeleteHallelujah, during my prayer time this morning, I saw the word CAMEL. I went to my Bible Concordance and could not find the word CAMEL. I decided to goggle and I found your article. The WORD of God is always relevant. As I noted that your wrote this article in 2012, this morning I have been so blessed. Thank your for being obedient to the voice of God. I am just in AWE
Wow this is awesome ..I saw two camels in my room I thought they were my dogs at first ..then I realized they wereally camels I was seeing in the spirit camels are here thank
Sept 2018, just seen in the SPIRIT a group of splendid camels ..knew they were rebeccas...the bride of issacc ...issacc is the name of the forth coming revival..i believe these camels carry the riches we will need to do the job of harvest HALLELUJAH! Loved your article x
ReplyDeleteYesterday on way home walking, I passed a thrift shop window,a beautiful white ceramic camel caught my eye! I had no plans to go in even though I frequent this shop. Once inside when I got to the display the camel was gone. I told one of the managers who knows me, I came in to get the camel but somebody has my camel, it was just in the window. I walked around and behold here comes this guy both arms and hands loaded, under one arm was the camel. I said you have my camel I only came in to buy it. He said you really want it you can have it. I said are you serious and he said yes it's yours. Talking about favor from God! This was miracle.He said it's signed and dated 1968 which was 50yrs ago. Once home I placed it on top of a bookcase. But later was led to move it to a table which displays pictures of my deceased mother, my deceased sister and only other sister and myself. Above the table hangs a painting of which I call my African Queen. So for a whole day I have been wondering what is the significance of a camel. I'm also an artist and I'm often drawn to pieces that just speak to me. By the way the name Bakar is signed under camel with date above. Last night I found a translation for Bakar meaning, small camel. That wasn't enough so tonight I googled further and thank God I found your article. Even in church today I was thinking why was I drawn to a camel! I've seen homes where people collect ceramic cats or dogs I even have a friend who has a collection of elephants. But a camel! Thank you thank you thank you for all the information and scriptures! To God be the glory.
Here's my info for above comments Got it right this time
ReplyDeleteThank you Madam for posting this potent word of knowledge about camels; it's full of insight and Revelation. This truly blessed me.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this, I was really blessed by it! I was reading the story of Isaac and Rebecca this morning and I felt like camels are coming my way and that I needed to investigate more about the meaning of it. This article opened my eyes and I can now understand how it applies to my life and circumstances. Praise Jesus!
ReplyDeleteHalleluiah! Yesterday was fasting and praying for my children. For God protection and guidance in their life. After my day fast over during the night i dreamed of Camel and Dog. I was trying to think what is all about as i was neglecting to find and pretending to not bother. As i was online Biblical studies was reading suddenly come to me mind again about the Camel and Dog so i decided to goggle to look for the dream meaning of this animals...was to my surprise to find your articles very useful, Shalom may the Almighty give you more revelations.
God gave me a picture of a 2 humped camel in the sand dunes wondering what
ReplyDeletethis means
Thanks for sharing this information.yesterday i saw a camel which is ready to carry me &my children.wooden baskets also fixed in it .i saw a driver is also .but this info clearly says God sent this camel hallelujah.
ReplyDeleteOne of my students brought a camel keyring as a gift for me from a foreign country. After a few weeks of ignoring it, I felt particularly drawn to it and felt that God was saying something to me through this jeweled camel. I googled and found this potent explanation. Thank you for sharing. My camels are here! I know it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Hallelujah!
ReplyDeleteI heard God say to me on February 8, 2020 that the Camels are comin. It was so vivid that I said Lord what are You saying and I repeated what He has just deposited in my spirit.
ReplyDeleteI have shared that word since then and have taken a particular interest of the dromedary camel. I believe God was telling me to prepare doe the good but also for the long journey ahead in a land that would become strenous but that He would sustain me.
Thank you for this wonderful teaching.
Saints be blessed in this time and stay connected to God through His Word, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit our helper.
Wow awesome revelation. God began to speak to me about the kind of marriages he wants in this endtimes. He is looking to for the rising of kingdom couples who would carry his presence and fragrance all over the world.
ReplyDeleteSo I began studying various purposeful marriages in the Bible . I started with Adam and even and the next was Isaac and Rebecca's and I know I have been studying this union. But I got interested in the fact that Isaac looked up in the place of meditation and saw camels I began to search for the prophetic meaning of Camel. And stumbled on this article...indeed I know the camels are coming . Halleluyah
I was praying to God. Just talking away. & then I prayed for him to Speak to me if He wished. I prayed for 15 minutes. Then sat in silence for 15 minutes. At first I was scared but in that same breath I heard " Don't be scared" Then within the 15 minutes I was waiting to hear from God.. I heard "Water" then I heard "Camel" over & over. Then I heard "Look up" I looked up & didn't see anything. But I knew my 15 minutes was up.. but i was confused. So I looked up Camel Biblical Meaning & Found your Article.
ReplyDeleteStill not sure what Water has to do with anything.. unless He wants me to get Baptized.
Any thoughts?
Hi Kayla, I too had a God experience with "Camels" and "look up" At the beginning of this year, I heard the Father say to me, "turn around, turn over, look up, not down". I felt it was His word to me to change my direction. Yesterday I heard Him say "arise, shine, fly". Now I'm very familiar with Isaiah 60:1 and Isaiah 40:31 that speak about both of these, but I went to Isaiah 60 to read it again and I continued reading through verse 8. Wow, as I read Isaiah 60:6 it was speaking about a multitude of camels covering your land bringing gold and incense (abbreviated). As I read it I heard, "the camels are coming, the camels are coming!". It was shocking and exciting. I also read a little further down in verse 8, "who are these who fly like a cloud, and like doves to their roosts." Praise be our Father, who speaks to us. I know this doesn't address the word "water" but I thought sharing my experience would be confirming and encouraging to you and others. We live in wonderful times. The Father is calling his church out of lukewarmness and into devoted service. He will provide for our destinies if we seek Him wholeheartedly. Praise be Yah!
DeleteGlory to God...My Camels are coming, My Camels are here in the mighty name of Jesus
ReplyDeleteI heard Prophetess Mattie Nottage, say that in one of her messages and have been blessed ever since and have been on a quest to find out more about camels 🐫.,BLESSINGS to you for sharing. MY CAMELS ARE COMING 🐫🐪✌ICTORY
ReplyDeleteI was riding a camel in my dream last night. I was being chased. I kicked the sides of my camel like a horse to get it to gallop. Came to some very steep stairs/ladder and a woman who seemed to be with me couldn't climb it, it was too difficult so I took her place with the camel. she passed me all the many cream cheese boxes she had and I had some too. I was to take it up this ladder/stairs to secure it.
ReplyDeleteMy camels are coming, I've had a dream of the camels of provision.