Sunday, September 9, 2012

Broken Glass

Broken glass can represents a few thing
The symbolism of broken glass means broken promises or shattered expectations.

Your feelings may be hurt or a situation may be turning into a crisis.

At the Jewish wedding feast to consummate the relationship they drink from a wine glass and then they smash the glass
The glass is broken to protect this marriage with the implied prayer: "As this glass shatters, so may your marriage never break." The promises made by the bride and groom, like the broken glass, are irrevocable. It reminds us that love, like glass, is fragile and must be protected.

Shattered glass symbolizes the fragility of our relationships and reminds us that we must treat our relationships with extra special care. It teaches us that in times of joy we must also realize life also brings sadness and sorrow.

 Recently at a conference in 2012 where I was teaching at, the host decided to purchase a thank you gift for me. God told her a specific store in Halifax to go to and one word- the color purple

Unknown to her purple is my favourite color and the color of royalty that I wear often to remind me of my position as the daughter of the King. She went into the store and saw a purple gem rock, amethyst  (which coincidentally was also my birthstone) and decided to purchase it. As she went to take the gemstone off of the shelf something unusual happened. The entire glass shelving and all the remaining stones on the shelves came crashing to the floor. As she stood there before the rubble in disbelief with the gemstone in her hand all she could think about was the thousands of dollars of damage that lay on the floor in a shattered pile of glass. Then quickly something else happened that she did not expect- the attendant at the store came over and reassured her not to worry about the damage as there must have been some imbalance in the shelving for that to happen. Relieved but still in a state of shock she purchased the beautiful rock and had it packaged and wrapped and walked out the doors of the shop. Wow!

After sharing this incredible story with a few people and pondering on its significance the Lord spoke to her about the following.

She received Rev 21:18-20 - Number 12 means leadership, government, perfection, completion and purple symbolizes priesthood.

Amethyst was used as the 12th and last foundation. Each foundation is a unique gem for the adornment in creating the promised and new city to replace the old one.
Out of the broken glass shelves she received the message of Gods grace.

As she presented me with this precious gift and shared this story and meaning to me I knew that the Lord was speaking about the situation and circumstances that had just recently been reconciled and was in the process of restoration with my husband, our marriage, ministry and family.

This broken glass which represented the state of our relationship was because of the imbalance in our marriage and symbolized the brokenness of all of the promises and shattered expectations. But due to the grace of God we were walking away without having to pay the price for the damage and instead we would be rewarded by the amethyst foundation stone which represented the call of God that was on our lives of leadership and priesthood. Not to mention that He would replace the old with the new. What a beautiful gift of Gods Grace over our lives.

 God gave me this song as a reminder of the journey

Broken Glass -Shattered dreams

Broken glass all on the floor
Dreams are shattered they are no more
I cant believe I am here
In this place

What can I get from all of this
More broken plans as I resist
If I surrender now
Will I receive His Grace

Yet all I see are tiny pieces
Small fragments as the pain increases
All the broken glass
As it is falling into space

Yet out of this something shall arise
A prophetic gift, a promised surprise
A treasure for our future
A hopeful prize

This foundation stone is oh so bright
The color purple sparkles against my eyes
Speaks of His wonder, majesty and glory
As it tells the world a beautiful story
Grace oh grace His amazing grace
That which I owed has now been paid
Grace has favoured me now I am released
Walking free into destiny
For there is no more broken glass
Begun to feel hope again at last
All regrets are now in the past
As we begin to embrace this brand new day

Those shattered dreams to return no more
Just a brand new path and wide open doors
Brushed and swept away up off the floor
Broken glass and shattered dreams are gone
Yes ,broken glass and shattered dreams have gone…

C.Hinds (c) 2012


  1. Absolutely beautiful

  2. I was in tears, this is so lovely. I broke a glass and my dad passed away three weeks ago I am on a hunt for the meaning behind it. Bless you.

    1. Blessings
      I just saw this and wanted to let you know that there has been so much more to this story and I am sure there will be for yours as well- Gods Grace on you today- Peace in your grieving

  3. That was very rude and uncalled for. "Anonymous" November 18, 2013 at 12:54 P.M.

  4. Interesting. Half of the inventory was broken by a customer. Was it like a case of stuff because like wine, they can say a case was found broken instead of missing.

  5. A while back, I had a dream where I was looking at a home to move to and videotaping it with my cell phone to show my husband. But on the cell phone, the image of the Divine Mercy Jesus kept showing up each time I played my recording. I woke up that morning and thought to myself, why did I dream of Jesus? The next day, around 3PM, my husband walked over to our baby's pack and play (which is in front of our painting at home of the Divine Mercy Jesus) where she was napping. He called me with a scared voice, and asked me to check her from head to toe. Upon doing so, I said that she's find, and asked what is the problem? He then instructed me to look inside the pack and play, and inside was her glass bottle shattered into at least 100 pieces. The baby gym was sliced by the glass, but our daughter had absolutely not one single cut on her body. This was a miracle to me of such great proportions, that I was left speechless, and cried hours afterwards. Then in early August, I found a short sale townhouse, and we put a bid in on it. It’s been 1 ½ months since that bid, and over 3 months since my dream, but I realized the other day that in my dream, I was videotaping our “new home”… It wasn’t the same exact place, but it was similar in that it needed some repairs and work in my dream. My husband never came to see our pending home prior to signing contract b/c of his schedule. So I showed him everything from the pictures on my phone. Just like in my dream where Jesus was on my phone! To top everything else off, my husband and I have had a shaky couple of years as well, and reading your post, help me remember and realize that we are working in the right direction on improving our marriage! Needless to say, my cell phone wallpaper is now a picture of the “Divine Mercy Jesus”. God Bless!

    1. Your story is filled with how much God loves your marriage!

  6. Charmaine,

    I am also in tears because truly God uses people through their stories, words, testimonies to reach others. I have had a recent rash of broken glass episodes--not small little glass episodes but very large ones!! Today it dawned on me that there has to be some kind of biblical meaning or message that I was supposed to receive. As soon as my husband got home I shared with him that I was led to go on the internet and type in the words about "broken glass/biblical meaning" or meditate with my bible to figure this out. My husband wasn't sure where I was going with all of this and was trying to justify all of the accidents. I shared with him it didn't matter who and how it happened, but that it happened. So I jumped on the internet and Lord behold, I found your amazing story!!!! Not only that but a scripture that hit me like a ton of bricks! I won't go into any details about my situation because I truly believe that God has already covered it because I listened to his instruction, which led me to your story, that gave me a sense of peace and direction. It is so comforting to know that I can hear his voice clearly! Thank you so much for sharing your story. May God bless your marriage, your leadership and your journey!!!


    Maria Burgos-Woods

  7. Thank you, C Hinds :-) what your wrote is very helpful

  8. wow. thank you.. this resonated with me on every level. Beautiful.

  9. Thank you. I now know what shattered glass means spiritually

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I just looked up broken glass because I dropped n shattered my coffee pot into a million little husband n I have been going through a difficult few months .....n yesterday we found out we have a month to leave our apt. .got evicted. ..but in my heart I think it was time to leave get a fresh start. ....I felt relief n now I started thinking about what if we can't find an apt what if we don't have enough money angst if s.....then the pot fell right out if my hand. ....I believe is a sigh STOP stressing n breath just breath

  12. I have tried to look up what the meaning is but can't really find an answer. Help... This our first experience in this situation. In Feb we had a house fire. We were renting our home so the owners put us out. My husband and I were outside loading our vehicle with items and talking about things and life at the moment on what we were gonna do. This was our last day in the home cause we had to be out by midnight. It was around 10:30pm. Our security light bulb fell out of the fixture but only the front part. The sides and bulb were still there and the bulb was still burning. It shattered very close to me and I had just moved moments before from that spot. A few minutes later a grey and white moth flew down hit my leg and stayed on the ground right where we were loading items. We had to walk around it to continue loading our stuff in the truck. We finished took our stuff to storage came back for another load and the moth was gone. We have finally found a home a month & 1/2 later we r having to repair a few things and paint the kitchen. It's been a little rough on us traveling from the next town over to get the kids back and forth to school and us to work. But we r thankful our family has been there for us and provided a temporary home. We thought the worst was behind us and all we can do is politely move forward. But Last night we were painting the kitchen and again it was just my husband and I talk about life and plan we had there. (children were outside) time before( children were inside) all of a sudden the light fixture fell from above the sink this time a piece of glass cut my husbands finger. The bulb was still burning. I don't know if these two incidents go together or what's going on but it does worry us. If anyone knows or can help please reply thank u for your time

    1. Hello. Bulbs are marched to lamps that were used in the olden days.

      The bible states in Psalm 119:105 that "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path"

      By "still burning" do you mean that it was still emitting light even on the floor.

      If that it so then the incidence is beyond natural.

      Then may be God was trying to tell you not to forget his promises to you that are found in his word.

  13. When i moved out of a house to return to my original home a bulb popped. When i got married and was leaving the church 2 bulbs cracked. Please interpret for me.

  14. I cant explain your dream, but I can speak about myself, about 27 years ago I dream't I saw my front door slammed with its hinges out & the door flat on the ground, I awoke with a shock sat up saw my door closed & went to sleep.The next day my daughter was going to the prom (cerebral palsy) While I was dressing her I heard a voice saying you have been called!!! I looked up & said did You say me? You gave me this child!! The very nest day my girl was taken away (we could not have her back!! answer false report. BY HIS GRACE WE HAVE HER BACK AFTER 4 YEARS. THIS DREAM WAS ON 4-7-2016 I was deeply mediating (BELOVED) while I was reading about the CROSS THE VEIL WAS TORN FOR you & me. deep in thought, what a deal its only BY HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD & CAN HAVE ETERNAL LIFE!! MEDIATING THE FRONT DOOR SHATTERED IT REALLY SHOOK ran & latched the door. I draw the curtain & looked outside our window every thing was still outside, my daughter heard the noise, my husband was going bla, bla, I went to bed praying what was that??? I REARD A THE SAME WALK BEFORE ME SO I google & found, Gennes 17;1 same words VOW & IAS. 45;2 I WILL GO BEFORE you. YOU HAVE TO PRAY & ASK THE HOLY SPIRIT HE WILL GUIDE you. (not like me I did the first time, I could have said FATHER LET YOUR WILL BE DONE!!!

  15. My son has been on a journey in this life as we all have and has just been quite amazing he recently has shattered his brothers windshield his girlfriends back window to her vehicle and the phone glass hence it brought me to look for the spiritual meaning of broken or shattered glass which then I came up on your blog and your poem I found it to be quite interesting because my children's father was now no longer on this realm last name is spelt and is the same as yours I find your song to be quite fitting for my son and as it comes from a person with his father's last name I found it fit to leave you this message and to thank you for such a beautiful heartfelt sincere song blessings to you from Synawata

  16. My son has been on a journey in this life as we all have and has just been quite amazing he recently has shattered his brothers windshield his girlfriends back window to her vehicle and the phone glass hence it brought me to look for the spiritual meaning of broken or shattered glass which then I came up on your blog and your poem I found it to be quite interesting because my children's father was now no longer on this realm last name is spelt and is the same as yours I find your song to be quite fitting for my son and as it comes from a person with his father's last name I found it fit to leave you this message and to thank you for such a beautiful heartfelt sincere song blessings to you from Synawata

  17. My girlfriend passed away on Dec 31st, 2015… She had a rare, genetic heart condition… Honestly, the whole thing destroyed me, but I’ve been slowly picking up the pieces.

    Three days after she passed, she came to me in a dream and showed me the most beautiful place I have ever seen… It wasn’t anywhere in our world. I don’t know if it was just deep down I wanted to experience a dream like that, so I did… or if it was something else.

    Anyway, about three months after her passing, I was brushing my teeth, getting ready for bed and I heard something hit the bathroom floor behind me. It was a piece of glass… I kept it. 30 minutes ago, I rolled back the blankets in my bed and under the blanket, near the foot of the bed there was another small piece of glass… Nothing has been broken in my house… The glass is not sharp or anything (the edges have been dulled)… Does anyone know what this could mean? I’ve kept both pieces and they’re together now

  18. During the after-thanksgiving sales, I bought a beautiful etched glass vase and placed it on top of an antique box on my mantle. About 3 days passed, and I decided to go downstairs on a grey, drizzling day and turn on the fireplace. It was a cozy evening, a lovely dinner, and afterwards, I turned off the fireplace, washed up the dishes and was putting them away when I heard a load pop! I decided it was the fireplace cooling down, and went upstairs to bed. The next day, I was downstairs arranging flowers on the counter and glanced at the vase, bc I had a feeling it had cracked. Upon closer inspection, I saw it had indeed cracked. It is about 15 inches high, with a thick but slender neck that balloons out at the bottom. I packed it in a box and took it back to the store and returned it. The saleslady ordered me another one just like it, and it arrived about 5 days later. I took the vase out of the box, looked it over, it was in perfect condition. I set it on the FP mantle, but not on top of the antique box. I put a fig leaf in the vase and sat it on the edge of the mantle, not on the antique box. My daughter came in from out of state to visit so for a few days, and during this time, we sat in the living room and had the fireplace on in the evenings, turning it off occasionally when it got too hot in the house. We never heard a popping or cracking sound. She left to go to her dads, and later I went downstairs to straighten up the house, and on a whim, decided to place the new vase back on top of the antique box just like I had the previous one. It was 65 degrees, so I did not turn on the FP. Ten minutes later, I was a at the kitchen sink and I heard a loud 'pop'! Instantly, I knew it was the vase, but looked around at other items in my house first, not wanting to believe another beautiful vase had cracked again, but when I saw everything was in tact, I walked over to the FP and looked up at the vase and saw the entire rim was cracked around the top. I sighed, decided that I would leave it as it, and use it anyway, but maybe somewhere else, up higher and out of sight. Suddenly, another loud Pop! and it cracked down the neck and around the side of the vase. I stared at it for a minute or so, wondering if it was a chemical reaction to the bronze deer it sat next to, or if it was the box. Another loud pop! and I became afraid it would shatter, so I moved it to the dining room table and put a trash bag over it. What is the symbolic meaning of a vase cracking like this?

    1. It looks like your Anique box is haunted...

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I had a dream drinking in a sharp broken bottle, and my relationship is falling apart, help mi understand...

  21. I had a dream drinking in a sharp broken bottle, and my relationship is falling apart, help mi understand...

  22. I had a dream drinking in a sharp broken bottle, and my relationship is falling apart, help mi understand...

  23. I woke up to glass shattering horrible sound. She we look to see it was the middle glass tray that had sharred, the big glass looked like tiny diamonds. The glass starting jumping across the room I ran out of the house came back 8 hours later and the sound and movement had stopped. The area where the glass fell had so much glass, but what made no since they're was no glass around the bed and when I went to pick up the glass From the Tv stand I happened to look under the bed and it was covered with glass. Please can anyone explain this logic?

  24. Small glass I had filled with rice came crashing down on floor. Just missing me. As that fell to the floor Im looking at the shelf and my eyes are drawn to two bottles of olive oil on the shelf. One is full the other 3/4 full. What is the message for this happening.



  27. I woke up this morning to find a pyrex dish shattered in my dish rack. Still trying to find out the meaning of this.

  28. Thank you for the clear interpretation, I found my answer, we faced difficulties in our marriage with my husband, I believe God is giving us His grace to mend things


  30. This means more to me than you could know. I had a dream. In it, the broken glass cut both my wrists, reminding me of Jesus' crucifixion, i now undestand the dream, Thank you .

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