Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Paper brown bag girl with the sparkly green eyes

If a color could evoke jealousy then green it was, hazel to be exact
They never saw me, just the color of my fair skin and the unique way my cat eyes glittered with flecks of green and light brown.
I stood tall, but they still looked at me as if I was an oddity, something rare, to google at and to say “ how beautiful you are”                                                                                                                    
As if my one quality was in them trying to figure out what type of mullato breed I was.  
Mixed up and hated for the way I settled in between.                                           
Not black, not white just a mix in between.
But she is paper brown so she is able to toggle between here and there and… nowhere
Brown girl in the ring tra, la, la, la, la,
That was not me
I was the light skin girl in between ha, ha, ha, ha,

Why do you hate my hair so long and thick like a mane that you tug on it till I cry,cut it into a afro to prove that your children are black too.                                                                                                 
Yet it does not equivalate, to validate the entrance fee into the world of black where one drop is enough, as long as you know our history and don’t deny the struggle.                    
Under the railroad she goes to find her heritage lineage and struggle within to settle within her own skin
Pigment that is strong in summer to give her the tan glow that all whites seek and in winter she is the ghost that peers out from behind, behind her greenish hazel eyes.
They sparkle and they shine with light when she is alive, fully living the life that Creator has endowed her with, after she has traveled many moons to get here.
Get here? get where?
What is the destination if life is truly all about living?
No more paper bags we now want the plastic
plastic, fantastic, fake and not real
With the truth of the situation with which we can not deal
All shades of the same color but with blood that is still red, red blood that flows from my veins and still stains the same as the cocoa, chocolate, milk white or Boston tea, paper bag and tan
Spectrum of multi color that makes up light , human struggle, earthly fight, hold my chest tight with breath that is held to see of they will choose me or if I am good enough or if the hatred because of my difference will win again
Half breed
Like the house nigger had a choice whether to be bred or not to be bred
That is the question!
Your answer that has made her the receiver of the field niggers rage and the pull of the plantation master’s lust, thrusting her paper bag skin into growth as she births the nastiness that happens to anything that He calls good and is defiled by evil.
Yet her paper brown baby is innocent till found guilty. Guilty of being born into a world with standards as unrealistic as plastic that holds in the heat and creates wrinkles that ripple out to affect time yesterday and tomorrow.

So back to the paper bag challenge – Paper brown bag girl with the sparkly green eyes.