Yesterday I was meditating on the fact that my new used van that was given to me by my spiritual father is leaking oil and that to be able to drive it (until I get it fixed) I have to make sure that I check the level of the oil consistently and top up the oil container so that it does not go dry and ruin my engine, If this happens then I no longer will have a mode of transportation to get me to where I need to be. I was also parking in one specific area each night as this is when the oil would leak and each morning I could see the stain of oil that had drained throughout the night as a reminder as I drove away. Now this became a consistent thought always in the back of my mind as I drove the van only to places of necessity and limited my other travel until I could get a mechanic to fix the issue.
So as I began to ask myself what I was learning about this I had revelation of two things; first something was causing a leakage in my life. There were things that were being stolen from me in subtle ways that was not allowing me to stay filled up and to run efficiently and effectively. I was being drained and having to constantly fill up and be concerned about ultimately being shut down.
Secondly I was learning about the power of staying filled. My mechanic explained to me that my vehicle only drains oil when it is not moving. You see when the van is in motion the oil is taken out of the pan and distributed though out all of the parts including the engine to keep it running. The oil was being used for its intended purpose and this was "good". But when the van was parked and everything cooled down the oil would settle in the pan again where there was a hole that was causing the oil to slowly but steadily seep out to the ground below. I kept having to buy more oil and keep a supply on hand as everyday was another emergency and I couldn't trust that I would have enough oil to even get me to a store where I could buy more and fill up again. I was sad for the waste but in the end I was happy for the lesson.
When I am being used for my intended purpose I stay filled and this is "good" and how God intended it to be when He created me and put me on this earth. But when I have things in my life that cause the "good" to seep out and suck me dry this is not so good, I have to work twice as hard to stay filled, to accomplish my purpose and this even slows me down as fear causes me to park myself and not venture to travel too far, for too long. After meditating on this I repented to the Lord and asked Him to help me to make getting the van fixed a priority as it was a gift from Him.
I began to think about this in terms of other people and pondered about how many people are leaking physically, emotionally, spiritually, and even socially? They are running on dry and many have even shut down and parked and have no oil to start up again. There engines have ceased up from improper usage. There vehicle is broken and needs fixing. They are leaving stains everywhere.
Wow! one little oil spill taught me all that. Well it doesn't end there, today it began to rain and as the
So today remember, there is no rainbow without rain, no joy without sorrow, no peace without pain, no love without hate, no good without bad, no up without down, no filled without empty.
Let him change it for you today
Note* - In symbolic terms oil is a metaphor for the anointing or Holy Spirit and water is a symbol for the word of God
Charmaine November 2015